Your hips are integral to you quality of life. They support everyday activities such as climbing stairs, walking, or even just simply sitting. Therefore, keeping them in good condition is very important.
Unfortunately, a large number of people suffer from hip pain. This pain can vary, ranging from slightly hindering to simply excruciating. What’s more, there are many possible causes, making it hard for you to pin-point the exact issue.
That’s where we come in! Chiropractic is a brilliant option for hip pain treatment. A chiropractor will be able to pin point the cause behind your pain and treat it accordingly and efficiently.
So, if you find yourself suffering from hip pain or inflamed hip joints and want to know where you can get the best hip pain treatment near you… Look no further. Here at Amersham Chiropractic Centre, we have the best chiropractic treatment for hip pain.
In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about hip pain and how chiropractic care can benefit you.

Can A Chiropractor Help Hip Pain?

Before we get into more details, we’ll clear up the main doubt people face about chiropractic care for hip pain. There are many misconceptions surrounding it and people often find themselves asking, “can a chiropractor help hip pain?”.
The short answer is, yes, of course! Chiropractors can not only help with hip pain, but also help prevent further damage. In fact, chiropractic care is most likely the best option for hip pain treatment near you. It is completely non-invasive and drug-free. As a result, you don’t have to put your body through unnecessary treatments that can have adverse affects on you.
Now that that’s cleared up, let’s learn more about hip pain, it’s causes, and how we can help.

What Causes Hip Pain?

You already know that the hips play a huge role in simply existing. Whether you’re sitting, standing, or walking, your hips bear the burden of your body. They engage in ever possible way you can move.
Today’s world demands a lot of stress on the body. So, it’s no wonder hip pain is so common. Usually caused by injury or osteoarthtiris, there can also be other underlying conditions behind your pain.

Some of the main causes of hip pain are:

Inflamed Hip Joint

Both the ligaments and structures inside the hip joint as well as those outside the joint can cause hip discomfort. There isn’t much room for the femoral head to move in the acetabulum’s socket within the joint itself. This area is easily able to become filled with fluid or blood, leading to pain, if an injury or illness causes inflammation. Bursitis, an inflammation of the sac outside the hip, can also cause pain.  Bursitis frequently results from overuse or slight damage.

Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory Diseases

Osreoarthritis is a very common cause of hip pain. Especially in older adults. It occurs due to the progressive loss of cartilage over time, as well as joint degeneration. Although there is no true “cure” for osteoarthritis, chiropractic care can help slow its progression and prevent its symptoms from escalating.
Hip pain can also be caused by other inflammatory diseases like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis, or spine inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis).

Overuse Injuries

The constant wear and tear of hip joint cartilage can lead to inflammation and arthritis. Everyday activities can also cause muscle inflammation, as well as tendon and ligament inflammation. This form of hip pain generally develops very gradually. 


Unlike overuse injuries, dislocations and fractures are not subtle. However, they are much easier to diagnose. Trauma can occur in many forms. For example, in elderly patients, a mix of poor balance, brittle bones and ageing can lead to falls and inevitable hip fractures.
Trauma can also show itself in the form of strains, sprains, and even bruises on the ligaments and muscles. Without a doubt, causing significant pain.

Referred Pain and Other Sources of Hip Pain

Sometimes “hip pain” can actually originate from another part of your body. This is called “reffered pain”. For example, patients who have lower back pain and hip pain can actually be dealing with sacoiliac joint dysfunction. Hernias can also lead to hip and groin pain.
Another extremely common source of referred pain is sciatica. This is caused by the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Usually caused by spinal degeneration, disc herniation, r Piriformis Syndrome, sciatica can cause severe hip pain, lowe back pain, and even radiating leg pain.

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Inflamed Hip Joint: What It Is & Symptoms

Now that you know more about the varying causes of hip pain, we’ll explain go into more detail. Specifically, with hip inflammation, which is one of the most common causes of hip pain.
Hip inflammation, or bursitis, is a condition in which one of the hips bursa is inflamed. Bursae act as cushions that prevent muscles and tendons from rubbing against bone. Bursitis can also occur in other joints of the body, including the knees, shoulders, and elbows. This is because the adult body contains 160 bursae. 

Types of hip bursitis

Hip bursitis can affect the bursae inside or outside of your hip. The location of the afflicted bursa and whether or not it is infected determine the type of hip bursitis you have. Hip bursitis primarily manifests as:

Trochanteric bursitis

The bony protrusion at the top of your thigh bone on the exterior of your hip is called the trochanter. Trochanteric bursitis, or pain on the outside of the hip and the outer thigh, can result from inflamed trochanteric bursae.

Iliopsoas bursitis or ischial bursitis

Hip bursae inside the groin can become inflamed, causing groin and upper buttock pain.

Septic hip bursitis

When hip bursae become infected, it is known as septic hip bursitis. This is a serious condition and can cause symptom like feeling feverish, sick, and tired.
Whether you have hip inflammation, or are unsure of the cause of your hip pain, our chiropractors can help. At Amersham Chiropractic, we can locate the underlying cause of your pain and give you a personalised treatment catering to your specific needs.

How A Chiropractor Can Help

Your chiropractor will primarily perform manual adjustments to address your hip pain. However, they may also incorporate additional treatment modalities.
In addition to adjustments, you could receive therapies such as massage or electrical muscle stimulation (e-stim), involving the delivery of electric current to muscles and nerves via electrodes.
Chiropractic care has seen recent developments, including technologies like deep ultrasound, infrared sauna treatments, and laser therapies for pain management.
Many chiropractors combine adjustments with physical therapy, assigning exercises for both in-office sessions and home practice.
It’s crucial to highlight that maintaining consistency with at-home physical therapy is key to achieving significant improvements. Research has shown that better adherence to home exercise regimens leads to significantly better outcomes for individuals managing hip pain.

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Chiropractic Treatments For Hip Pain

After conducting a thorough physical examination and assessing your familial and personal history, a doctor of chiropractic will pinpoint the source of your hip pain. They will then develop a personalized treatment plan that may encompass chiropractic adjustments, exercise therapy, posture recommendations, stretching, massage, coordination with other healthcare professionals, and more. These treatments will aim to reduce inflammation, alleviate existing muscle spasms, strengthen weakened muscles, and enhance joint mobility.
Chiropractic adjustments can be particularly beneficial, depending on the cause of your hip pain. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in relieving sciatica, a common source of hip and lower back pain. For instance, in a study comparing the outcomes of chiropractic care to surgery for severe sciatica, 60% of chiropractic patients experienced significant symptom improvement, avoiding the need for surgery.2 Case studies have also indicated that chiropractic care can provide relief from pain related to sacroiliac joint dysfunction and Piriformis syndrome, both common contributors to hip pain.3-4
Additionally, chiropractic care has shown promise for some patients with hip osteoarthritis (HOA). In one study, 83% of HOA patients experienced improvement after just nine visits to a chiropractor. Treatment involved axial manipulation of the hip, stretching, and full kinetic chain treatment (manipulative therapy applied to the spine, knee, ankle, or foot as needed).


We hope this blog helped you understand more about hip pain and how a chiropractor can help. If you need effective hip pain treatment near you, look no further.
Amersham Chiropractic Centre offers effective and non-invasive solutions for hip pain. Our chiropractors are experienced in addressing a variety of hip pain causes, including inflamed hip joints and osteoarthritis. We employ chiropractic adjustments and cutting-edge therapies to reduce pain and improve mobility. With our personalized treatment plans and emphasis on at-home exercises, we aim to provide you with the best hip pain treatment near you. Don’t let hip pain hold you back—contact Amersham Chiropractic Centre today for expert care.


Is it good to see a chiropractor for hip pain?

Yes, chiropractors can be very effective for hip pain, offering non-invasive treatments that address the root causes of the pain.

How do chiropractors adjust hip pain?

Chiropractors use manual techniques to realign the hip joint, relieve pressure on nerves, and reduce inflammation.

How do you realign your hips?

Hip realignment is achieved through chiropractic adjustments, which involve applying controlled force to bring the hip joint back into alignment.

How long does hip pain last after adjustment?

The duration of pain relief after a hip adjustment varies depending on the individual and the specific condition, but many people experience immediate relief.

How long does a hip adjustment last?

The longevity of a hip adjustment’s effects can vary, but multiple adjustments, along with at-home exercises, can lead to longer-lasting results.

How do you know if your hip is out of alignment?

Common signs of misaligned hips include pain, stiffness, reduced mobility, and muscle imbalances. A chiropractor can provide a definitive diagnosis.